Innovation Over 50 Years: Focus on 1980s/1990s

Innovation Over 50 Years: Focus on 1980s/1990s

As we celebrate our 50 years in business, we are highlighting our key innovations per decade in five blog posts, with this second post featuring innovations in the 1980s-90s.

From 1980-1985, the first washable Transducer was introduced, and the company began to offer over 95 products.

The impact of globalization occurred as well, with production moving from Japan to Taiwan in 1986.

Other highlights that occurred during the 1990s included:

  • Earning ISO-9001 Certificate
  • Developed a line of SMT Alarms and Alerts
  • Introduce electret microphones and a full line of receivers

Stay tuned to next week’s post to see what was accomplished in the 2000s.

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