Exploring the Future of Sound: Introducing PUI Audio’s Advanced MEMS Microphones

In an exciting development for audio technology enthusiasts, PUI Audio has unveiled its latest range of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) microphones. These cutting-edge devices integrate a specialized pre-amplification ASIC, elevating them to new heights of sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance. Not only do they boast a compact design, but they also outshine most market competitors with their ultra-low power consumption, minimal distortion, and impressive dynamic range.

The applications for these innovative microphones are vast and varied. They are ideal for security systems such as breaking-glass detection and fire alarms, industrial applications like machine monitoring for predictive maintenance and operator safety, as well as in microphone arrays and consumer electronics including earphones and smart IoT devices.

Key Features of PUI Audio’s New MEMS Microphones:

  • Exceptional High Signal-to-Noise Ratio
  • Unparalleled High Sensitivity
  • Ultra-Low Current Consumption
  • Compact, Surface-Mount Design
MEMS Microphones
High fidelity MEMs Microphones

What Sets MEMS Microphones Apart?

MEMS microphones represent a fusion of mechanical elements, sensors, and electronic circuits on a silicon substrate, made possible through advanced micro-fabrication technology. These microphones offer several advantages over traditional electret condenser microphones (ECMs):

  • Enhanced Isolation from Power Supply Noise: Thanks to a charge pump that maintains a constant charge on the diaphragm, MEMS microphones are less susceptible to charge decay and sensitivity shifts due to supply voltage changes.
  • Moisture Condensation Recovery: The charge pump renews the diaphragm’s charge after condensation dries, ensuring consistent performance.
  • Reduced Vibration and Dust Sensitivity: The smaller diaphragm mass and robust construction enhance durability.
  • Superior Temperature Performance: MEMS microphones perform reliably across a wide temperature range (-40°C to +100°C), withstanding standard lead-free solder profiles without performance degradation.
  • Automated Manufacturing: This results in better overall repeatability and custom configuration options.
Analog and digital microphones

Understanding How MEMS Microphones Work

MEMS microphones consist of a MEMS sensor and an ASIC. The sensor comprises a pressure-sensitive diaphragm, a perforated stationary plate, and a housing. Sound pressure is converted into capacitance changes, which are then processed by the ASIC into digital or analog outputs. The diaphragm and plate’s interaction under acoustic influence creates a variable capacitor, generating an AC voltage – the microphone’s output signal.

Delving into the Components

The diaphragm, a key component, is a thin membrane that reacts to incoming sound waves, altering the capacitance by changing its distance to the backplate. The backplate and the air gap between it and the diaphragm are crucial in defining the microphone’s sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio.

Innovative Power Supply Design

PUI Audio’s analog MEMS microphones are uniquely designed to remain unaffected by slight power supply voltage variations. Unlike traditional ECMs, they don’t require a bias resistor, and a simple decoupling capacitor is enough to filter out power supply noise.

Digital Output Options and Power Modes

PUI Audio also offers digital MEMS microphones with PDM and I2S data formats, featuring a Left/Right channel select for stereo audio capture. These microphones come with various power modes like Full Power, Low Power, and Sleep, suitable for battery-powered systems, ensuring efficient power consumption.

A Revolution in Sound Technology

PUI Audio’s new MEMS microphones are not just an incremental improvement but a significant leap forward in audio technology. They open up new possibilities in various fields, from security to consumer electronics, marking an exciting era in the world of sound and technology.

Complementing PUI Audio’s sound-generating products, we offer a full line of electret condenser microphones, analog MEMS microphones, and digital MEMS microphones.

Mastering Haptic Feedback: A Comprehensive Guide to Actuators

In an era where digital interaction is ubiquitous, the human senses still play a pivotal role in our experience of the world. Traditional products have relied heavily on sight and hearing to convey information. However, the realm of tactile feedback, or haptics, is gaining prominence, revolutionizing user interfaces across industries such as consumer electronics, Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Internet of Things (IoT), automotive, and medical sectors. Haptic technology empowers engineers and designers, providing them with unprecedented control to craft intuitive user interfaces. This guide delves into the world of haptic feedback, spotlighting electromechanical actuators—a prevalent method for stimulating the mechanoreceptors in our body sensitive to vibrations.

Understanding Electromechanical Actuators

Electromechanical actuators, the crux of haptic feedback, come in four primary forms: Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM), Linear Resonant Actuators (LRA), Voice Coils Actuators (VCA/VCM) and Piezoelectric Actuators (PA). Each category brings unique characteristics and is suited for specific applications. From the low-frequency rumble of ERM actuators to the precision and quick response of LRAs, and the realistic haptic sensation of VCAs to the energy efficient wide frequency range of PA, understanding these technologies is crucial for integrating effective haptic feedback into your products.

Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM)

ERM actuators operate on a simple yet effective principle: an off-axis rotating mass attached to a DC motor. The frequency of the vibrations correlates with the mass’s rotation speed, offering a tactile experience that’s directly influenced by the driving voltage. ERMs are particularly noted for their ‘rumble’ effect, making them ideal when precise vibration patterns aren’t critical but a noticeable tactile feedback is desired.

Eccentric Rotating Mass product breakdown graphic

Linear Resonant Actuators (LRA)

In the realm of haptics, LRAs stand out for their efficiency and compact form factor. Employing principles similar to speaker technology, LRAs create vibrations through moving a mass attached to a coil, omitting the diaphragm found in speakers. This structure allows for a direct, linear response, eliminating ramp-up times and making them incredibly power-efficient. Their rapid response and ability to create nuanced vibration patterns make LRAs a popular choice in compact and power-sensitive applications like wearables and smartphones.

Linear Resonant Actuators speaker technology diagram

In an LRA, the mechanism consists of a mass attached directly to a coil, as opposed to diaphragms commonly used in speakers. Instead of producing sound, the LRA generates vibrations by moving the mass linearly when the coil is powered. This movement depends on the frequency and voltage of the input signal, allowing precise control over the vibration’s intensity and pattern.

Linear Resonant Actuators haptic product breakdown graphic

Voice Coils (VCA/VCM)

Voice Coil Actuators (VCAs), also referred to as Voice Coil Motors (VCMs), take haptic feedback to the next level. By increasing the actuator’s size and mass, VCAs produce a more substantial and realistic vibration effect. A notable aspect of VCAs is their ability to replicate auditory effects alongside tactile feedback, enriching the multisensory experience. However, this increased capability comes at the cost of higher power consumption, a factor that designers must consider.

Voice Coils (VCA/VCM) product breakdown graphic

Linear Resonant Actuators (LRA)

In the realm of haptics, LRAs stand out for their efficiency and compact form factor. Employing principles similar to speaker technology, LRAs create vibrations through moving a mass attached to a coil, omitting the diaphragm found in speakers. This structure allows for a direct, linear response, eliminating ramp-up times and making them incredibly power-efficient. Their rapid response and ability to create nuanced vibration patterns make LRAs a popular choice in compact and power-sensitive applications like wearables and smartphones.

In an LRA, the mechanism consists of a mass attached directly to a coil, as opposed to diaphragms commonly used in speakers. Instead of producing sound, the LRA generates vibrations by moving the mass linearly when the coil is powered. This movement depends on the frequency and voltage of the input signal, allowing precise control over the vibration’s intensity and pattern.

Voice Coils (VCA/VCM)

Voice Coil Actuators (VCAs), also referred to as Voice Coil Motors (VCMs), take haptic feedback to the next level. By increasing the actuator’s size and mass, VCAs produce a more substantial and realistic vibration effect. A notable aspect of VCAs is their ability to replicate auditory effects alongside tactile feedback, enriching the multisensory experience. However, this increased capability comes at the cost of higher power consumption, a factor that designers must consider.

LRA and VCA actuators operate best at specific frequencies, delivering the strongest vibrations within a narrow range. Designers must keep these devices close to their optimal frequency through control mechanisms. In contrast, ERMs offer a broader range of operation, as their vibration intensity varies with voltage, not frequency, giving designers more flexibility in frequency choice. Each actuator type has its own advantages and trade-offs that designers should consider for their product needs.

Piezoelectric Actuators (PA)

In contrast to alternative actuators, piezoelectric actuators leverage the piezoelectric effect as their core principle for generating haptic feedback with remarkably low power consumption. These devices are perfect when precise control and movement are required in a compact, thin profile- with a unique sense of touch for high-quality tactile effects. They exhibit efficient operation across an extensive frequency range, featuring rapid response times due to the absence of mass to be moved.

Choosing the Right Actuator

Selecting the ideal actuator is a critical step in haptic design. Factors such as desired vibration strength, precision, power consumption, and form factor play a significant role in this decision. While ERMs offer a broad range of operation due to their voltage-based vibration variation, LRAs and VCAs provide more nuanced control over vibration strength and frequency, albeit within a narrower operational band.  Piezoelectric actuators (PAs) offer efficient operation across a broad range

Integrating haptic feedback into product design opens a new dimension of user interaction. Whether used in conjunction with other sensory inputs or as a standalone communication method, haptic actuators enrich the user experience significantly. As we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in user interface design, understanding and harnessing the power of haptic technology will be paramount.

For more in-depth insights and white papers on haptic technology, visit PUI Audio’s resource center.

The Pervasive Impact of Haptic Technology: A Deep Dive

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation, haptic technology has emerged as a silent yet powerful force, transforming our interaction with electronic devices. At PUI Audio, we’re not just observers but active participants and innovators in this field.

This technology isn’t only emerging, it’s already here, and is making significant inroads into industrial markets, propelled by advancements in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and the Internet of Things (IoT). These sectors are leveraging haptic feedback to create more immersive and efficient Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), especially in critical applications like automotive and healthcare systems.

dc vibration motors and linear actuators graphic

Understanding Haptics: More Than Just a Buzz or Beep

Haptics, at its core, is the science of touch in interaction. It’s what makes your smartphone vibrate in response to your actions or your gaming controller push back with force in a high-speed car chase. It’s an intricate dance between user input and tactile feedback, enhancing our digital experiences in ways often unnoticed yet profoundly impactful.

Haptics in Everyday Life: From Smartphones to Healthcare

Our daily devices are just the tip of the iceberg. Haptics has woven its way into numerous applications, making our interactions more intuitive and lifelike. In gaming, it intensifies immersion, while in smartphones, it provides subtle yet effective feedback. But its potential extends far beyond entertainment and personal devices. In the automotive sector, haptic feedback in dashboards and steering controls is enhancing driver awareness and safety. In healthcare, it’s revolutionizing procedures through tactile guidance in remote surgeries or rehabilitation therapies.

The Industrial Leap: Haptics in Critical Operations

In industrial settings, the precision and reliability of haptic feedback are proving indispensable. High-stakes environments like manufacturing plants and surgical theaters rely on the nuanced feedback that advanced haptic technology provides. It’s not just about the ‘feel’ but about the accuracy and safety it brings to operations where every detail matters.

Technological Drivers: The Heartbeat of Haptic Evolution

Behind the scenes of these tactile marvels are technological innovators like PUI Audio. Components such as linear resonant actuators (LRAs) are the unsung heroes, enabling devices to produce that precise vibration or tactile sensation. These components are evolving, driven by the need for more nuanced, energy-efficient, and responsive feedback mechanisms.

At PUI Audio, our journey in the realm of haptics is propelled by a commitment to innovation, quality, and customer-centric solutions. We’re not just creating components; we’re crafting experiences, ensuring that every interaction with a device is as intuitive and enriching as it should be.

Haptic technology is not a future possibility but a present reality, intricately woven into the fabric of our daily lives and industrial operations. As we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, PUI Audio remains at the forefront, driving the haptic revolution one touch, one vibration, one feedback at a time.

Sometimes, it needs to be felt more than it needs to be heard. And for that, PUI has introduced haptic technology to our lineup of components, ensuring that when a tactile response or alert is necessary it can be felt clearly.

The Advantages of MEMS Microphones

MEMS microphones have several advantages over traditional microphones.Despite their small size–and sometimes because of it!–MEMS Microphones have POWERFUL advantages. 

For example, MEMS microphones utilize a charge pump to produce a constant charge on the diaphragm, resulting in better isolation of the acoustic signal from power supply noise and are not prone to charge decay over time or to sensitivity shifts due to supply voltage changes.

MEMS microphones can recover from moisture condensation since the charge on the diaphragm is renewed by the charge pump once the condensation dries.

They are also less susceptible to vibration and dust because of the construction and smaller diaphragm mass.

The ability to withstand standard lead-free solder profiles (Max Temp 260C for 30s) without impacting performance. Superior temperature performance as sensitivity does not shift with change in temperature (-40⁰C ~ +100⁰C).

Better overall repeatability due to the automated manufacturing process. Multiple mounting options such as top mount, reverse mount or zero height. Custom configurations and mounting options available for seamless integration into the end application. 

Here are some of the greatest advantages, however, and how they might impact you or your product development.

  1. Size Matters: MEMS microphones are incredibly compact, making them suitable for applications where space is limited. They are commonly used in smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices, where miniaturization is critical.
  2. Power Efficiency: These microphones consume minimal power, which is crucial for portable devices with limited battery capacity. This ensures extended battery life for your gadgets.
  3. High-Quality Sound: Despite their small size, MEMS microphones offer impressive audio quality, with excellent sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios. This makes them ideal for capturing crisp and clear sound.
  4. Durability: MEMS microphones are rugged and less prone to damage from mechanical shock or vibration, making them suitable for harsh environments and industrial applications.

MEMS Microphones are used across industries to solve problems and enhance applications. You can find MEMS technology being used in everything from consumer electronics to health care. 

  1. Consumer Electronics: MEMS microphones have become the go-to choice for smartphones, tablets, and laptops, enabling clear voice calls, noise cancellation, and voice recognition features like Siri and Google Assistant.
  2. Automotive: In the automotive industry, MEMS microphones are used for hands-free calling, in-car entertainment systems, and noise reduction technologies, enhancing the overall driving experience.
  3. Industrial: MEMS microphones find applications in industrial settings, such as monitoring equipment, intercom systems, and security systems, thanks to their durability and reliability.
  4. Health care: In health care, MEMS microphones are employed in hearing aids and medical devices for precise audio detection and recording.

Curious to learn more about MEMS technology? Check out our recent whitepaper on the subject located HERE in our Resource Center or reach out to discuss with one of our engineers. We are always eager to work with our clients to develop the solutions they need to be heard within their industry!

Unveiling the Marvels of MEMS Microphones: A Game-Changer in Sound Technology

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) microphones have emerged as a revolutionary force, transforming the way we capture and process sound. These tiny marvels, often overshadowed by their larger counterparts, have silently but significantly altered the audio industry. At PUI Audio, our engineers are working to optimize and enhance MEMS microphones as we continue to innovate solutions for our customers. 

What is MEMS technology?

MEMS microphones, short for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems microphones, are cutting-edge audio devices that excel in capturing sound with exceptional precision and clarity. These miniature marvels are revolutionizing the way we experience voice communication and audio recording. With their compact size, energy efficiency, and remarkable sound quality, MEMS microphones are the go-to choice for smartphones, IoT devices, automotive systems, and more.

Whereas the electronic circuits are fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) process sequences (e.g., CMOS, Bipolar, or BICMOS processes), the micromechanical components are fabricated  using compatible “micromachining” processes that selectively etch away parts of the silicon wafer or add new structural layers to form the mechanical and electromechanical devices.

What Are MEMS Microphones?

MEMS microphones are composed of a MEMS sensor and an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The sensor includes a pressure sensitive movable diaphragm, perforated stationary plate and a housing.

MEMS microphones are a type of microphone that utilizes microelectromechanical systems technology to convert sound waves into electrical signals. Unlike traditional condenser or dynamic microphones, MEMS microphones are exceptionally small, typically measuring just a few millimeters in size. Despite their diminutive stature, these microphones deliver remarkable audio quality and offer numerous advantages.

The sensor converts incoming sound pressure entered through a sound inlet (top or bottom port) to a capacitance change. The ASIC manages the polarization and generates either a PDM or I2S digital output or an analog output. The diaphragm and the plate act as a variable capacitor and will, under the influence of an acoustic input, produce an AC voltage (the microphone output signal) that is processed by the ASIC.

As technology continues to advance, MEMS microphones are expected to play an even more prominent role in our lives. PUI Audio is continuing to work hand-in-hand with our customers to develop innovative solutions that solve real-world problems. Curious to learn more about MEMS technology? Check out our recent whitepaper on the subject located HERE in our Resource Center or reach out to discuss with one of our engineers. 

PUI has a long history innovating with piezoelectricity

PUI Audio has a long history with piezoelectric components, and while piezo electricity has been a large part of our past, this technology is also a big part of our future. 

We started our innovation journey in 1976 with the industry’s first PCB mounted piezo ceramic audio indicator!

When you combine these terms, a PCB-mounted piezo ceramic audio indicator refers to a component that is designed to be mounted directly on a printed circuit board and is capable of generating audio signals using the piezoelectric properties of ceramics. This component is often used to provide audio feedback or alerts in various electronic devices, ranging from household appliances to industrial equipment and consumer electronics.

Since then, piezotronics have been a big part of the product catalog we offer at PUI Audio, and we are committed to expanding and integrating piezoelectric solutions with audio transducers, benders, microphones, ultrasonic, speakers, haptics product line to meet various application needs.

PUI Audio offers not only buzzers but also sensors and actuators based on piezoelectricity. 

For example, you can find our Simple self driven Piezo Indicators  or our Externally driven Piezo Transducers among our digital product catalog. 

And we continue to innovate!

Our new cutting-edge applications, including piezo haptics and lead-free piezo benders are in development and have launched throughout the year. Lead-free applications and options continue to meet important compliance regulations as they change to phase out lead-inclusive options. Our engineers and product development teams have been working to stay ahead of this curve by developing solutions that do not compromise quality as technology and restrictions change. This work will enable our customers to continue to stay in front of regulations as well. 

Curious to learn more about piezoelectronics? Our engineering team is eager to have a conversation with you and help brainstorm solutions for your latest projects. Reach out, and let’s start a conversation. You can chat with an engineer right here on our website, here. 

Piezoelectric technology continues to push the industry forward

It may surprise you to know that Piezoelectric technology discovered more than 100 years ago is also at the cutting edge of the technology advancements we see today. Just over a hundred years ago by the Curie brothers, Pierre and Jaques, who leveraged the discovery to set in motion the technology that still today is pushing innovation forward, allowing for product engineers to develop new and creative solutions. 

The piezoelectric effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. This unique phenomenon of materials to convert between mechanical and electrical energy continues to be a valuable area of research and innovation.

Today, we see the advantages of this technology play a big role in how engineers create a clear impact within a small space. 

Piezoelectric material can generate a small voltage when subjected to mechanical force, as in the case of sensors like microphones. The reverse piezoelectric effect, where applying a voltage to the material generates physical motion, is a crucial aspect that has been leveraged for applications such as haptic feedback in devices like touchscreens.

In the world of product development, creating a seamless and immersive user experience is a top priority for manufacturers. To achieve this, the integration of cutting-edge technologies is essential, and one such innovation making waves is piezoelectric haptics. Piezoelectric haptic technology, based on the reverse piezoelectric effect, has revolutionized the way products interact with users, offering tactile feedback and a sense of realism like never before.

In consumer electronics, piezoelectric haptics have made significant strides. From smartphones and tablets to gaming controllers and wearables, piezoelectric haptic actuators add a realistic touch to virtual interactions. By providing subtle vibrations during touch interactions, users experience a heightened sense of responsiveness, making their digital experiences feel more natural and engaging.

For instance, in mobile gaming, piezo haptics can simulate the recoil of a gun or the sensation of acceleration in a racing game, creating a more immersive gameplay experience. Similarly, in smartphones, piezoelectric haptic feedback enhances the feel of typing on a virtual keyboard, giving users the sensation of pressing physical keys.

The advantages of using piezoelectric technology is clear, whether that be within our simplest of piezoelectric technologies, the piezo bender, or within our new cutting-edge applications, including piezo haptics and lead-free piezo benders. For more information about piezoelectric technology, check out our Resource Library for our technical whitepaper on the subject, or schedule time to speak with one of our engineers to start brainstorming applications. 

PUI Engineers finding solutions with environmentally-rugged products

As our world becomes more connected and mobile, the demand for audio components that can withstand harsh environmental conditions is on the rise. Engineers are finding new and innovative ways to monitor environments and new needs are arising for components that can withstand extreme weather conditions or have the ability to output high-quality sound in the great outdoors. Environmentally-rugged audio components are becoming increasingly important.

At their core, environmentally-rugged audio components are designed to withstand a variety of environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, moisture, and vibrations. These components are often used in industries such as aerospace, military, and marine, where ruggedness is crucial for reliable and safe operation.

In recent years, the demand for environmentally-rugged audio components has expanded beyond these traditional industries and into consumer markets, as more and more people seek to enjoy high-quality sound in outdoor and other harsh environments. This has led to the development of rugged audio components that are specifically designed for outdoor environments.

One key feature of environmentally-rugged audio components is their construction. These components are typically built with materials such as high-grade plastics, rubber, and metal, which can withstand exposure to the elements without degrading or failing. Additionally, many environmentally-rugged audio components are sealed to protect against moisture and dust, further increasing their durability.

Another important aspect of environmentally-rugged audio components is their ability to maintain high-quality sound in challenging environments. This requires advanced engineering and design, as well as the use of high-quality components such as speakers, amplifiers, and connectors. Many rugged audio components also include features such as noise-canceling technology, which helps to improve sound quality in noisy environments.

As more people seek to enjoy high-quality sound in harsh environmental conditions, environmentally-rugged audio components are becoming increasingly important These components are built to withstand exposure to the elements, and often include advanced engineering and design features to maintain high-quality sound. Whether you’re an engineer, an audio enthusiast, or simply enjoy spending time outdoors, environmentally-rugged audio components can help you develop audio systems that operate to your standards in even the toughest environments.

For more information on environmentally-rugged products at PUI, reach out. Let’s start a discussion about what will work for you. Chat with an engineer today, and we’ll start brainstorming. 

PUI Enhances Focus on Environmentally-Rugged Lines to Withstand the Elements

Audio components can be small, but they can also be fierce, and at PUI, we put special consideration into our environmentally-rugged lines that help engineers and project managers implement audio solutions in conditions that might scare away most technology manufacturers. 

A lot of times, project engineers don’t know what they need when they set out to solve a problem, but our engineers work with clients one-on-one to solve problems with components that can stand up to even the most rugged environmental conditions. 

Because, when it needs to be heard…or measured…or alerted…it doesn’t matter if it is in rain, wind, under water, or in abnormally high temperatures, PUI helps teams to implement the solutions that get the job done, regardless of conditions. 

That’s why we’ve put special focus on environmentally-rugged lines to withstand all the elements, including earth, air, fire or water. That means our components can stand up to rougher weather conditions, no matter which element–or combination of elements could affect the quality of sound. 

Hi-temp components – PUI Audio high-temperature audio speakers and high-temperature audio receivers that can withstand temperatures beyond normal ranges, meaning that components can be placed in areas outdoors or within other components or mechanisms that heat up as part of their everyday use.

Waterproof and water-resistant components – Audio components are being deployed within industries where components may need to be submerged partially or underwater full time in order to measure, record or alert. Industrial settings are using audio components to measure flow and water levels, and while this is an innovative use of components beyond typical use, components must also be able to withstand the rigors of wet conditions. 

High-definition components – PUI Audio has made significant strides in the use of high-definition audio components, and while at first glance, this might not seem like part of our environmentally-rugged lines, think about how weather conditions like wind or earth, mountains, valleys, foliage and other types of interference could affect the quality of sound. High definition components are able to zero in or extract specific sounds in ways that no other components can, removing obstacles, such as the naturally-occurring environment from being a hurdle to success. 

PUI Audio components are designed thoughtfully to fit into whatever project you are working on, so the best solution is always in reach. Some of our best solutions come from conversations with clients who don’t know what they need, but help our engineers paint a better picture of what they are up against. The more information we have up front, the better and easier it is to identify which types of environmentally-rugged components are needed to complete a project. 

That’s why we always work with engineers and project managers from the beginning to make sure we identify potential problems up front and select components that keep projects and audio clean. We pride ourselves on offering “audio enhanced with expertise,” which means you can count on us to identify the problems–and solve them–before your project even starts. 

Look for more information about our environmentally-rugged lines on the PUI website. Browse products, discuss solutions and explore our resources for deeper dives into the potential of innovative audio solutions. 

Innovations in ultrasound are pushing PUI Audio customers into new territory

Our tagline at PUI is When it needs to be heard. What happens, though, when it can’t be heard, but needs to work anyway?

Our engineers are immersing themselves in new products that tap into the capabilities of ultrasonic transmissions for the purpose of using audio in new and innovative ways. Ultrasonic makes for a challenging design because the output can’t be heard at normal frequencies, but the possibilities are limitless. 

Think about bats. Bats use ultrasonic transmissions to feel the world around them with exact accuracy. The animals produce ultrasonic sound waves and those sound waves bounce off objects in their environment. Then, the sounds return to the bats’ ears, which are finely tuned to recognize their own unique calls and provide the data to map the environment around them. 

Similarly, PUI engineers are helping our customers develop audio systems for real-world solutions to mapping the environment in useful and actionable ways.

One example is found in the auto industry, where ultrasonic sensors are used for moving vehicle backup alarms, letting drivers know what is behind them and when it is too close. 

Ultrasonic audio components are also used in industrial settings, helping to provide actionable measurements. PUI Audio customers are using the technology in new ways and pushing the technology forward. For example, one customer is using ultrasonic to measure the fill levels in dumpsters, while another is using it to measure flow and speed of water through pipes. 

The use of ultrasonic components helps provide not only the accurate measurements, but also the ability to measure through ongoing adaptable analytics that provide real-time changes and historical data.  

The science isn’t new, but the technological applications are, and PUI Audio is still exploring all the ways the science can be applied in industrial, medical and consumer settings. It’s a new frontier, and as with most of the new frontiers PUI is working to break through, the best ideas come through collaboration and brainstorming with our customers. Often, we don’t know where the solutions will lead us until we start talking, so if you have an idea, question or rogue thought and are wondering if ultrasonic might provide the answer, let’s talk!

Have a conversation with an engineer, and let’s figure it out together.