With the increasing concerns of hazardous substances in our environment, we would like to inform you that our products do not contain any of the chemical substances listed below per the European Union’s REACH Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) candidate list.
However, anything with a piezo may have REACH restricted content above article limits. The article is the piezo, and the restricted substance is a conductive lead mixture coating on the ceramic that is required for the piezo to operate. Typically labeled as Lead(Pb) CAS 7439-92-1 or Lead(II) Titanium Oxide CAS 12060-00-3 found in the lead zirconium titanate (PZT) material.
Now that the European Union has passed the updated “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment”, commonly known as “RoHS 3” legislation 2015/863/EU, PUI Audio has once again worked diligently to comply with the new RoHS3 requirements.
PUI Audio is proud to announce that all our products are RoHS 2002/95/EC, RoHS2 2011/65/EU, and RoHS3 2015/863/EU compliant. PUI Audio is not actively manufacturing or stocking any product which is not compliant with RoHS directive.
Although parts are stated as RoHS compliant, this does not necessarily mean that they are lead-free. The RoHS directive lists in its annex a number of exemptions. PUI products, depending on their configuration can utilize up to three of the exemptions under RoHS3 guidelines.
6 (c) Copper alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight. Used as an alloying agent in brass.
7(a) Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. lead-based alloys containing 85% by weight or more lead). High content lead solders can be used in reflowable or wave solderable devices without potting to cover the solder connections. High content lead solders generally have a melting point over 260C.
7(c)-I Electrical and electronic components containing lead in a glass or ceramic other than dielectric ceramic in capacitors, e.g. piezo electronic devices, or in a glass or ceramic compound. The piezo disc has approximately a 52,000-ppm lead level.