Piezoelectric technology continues to push the industry forward

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It may surprise you to know that Piezoelectric technology discovered more than 100 years ago is also at the cutting edge of the technology advancements we see today. Just over a hundred years ago by the Curie brothers, Pierre and Jaques, who leveraged the discovery to set in motion the technology that still today is pushing innovation forward, allowing for product engineers to develop new and creative solutions. 

The piezoelectric effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. This unique phenomenon of materials to convert between mechanical and electrical energy continues to be a valuable area of research and innovation.

Today, we see the advantages of this technology play a big role in how engineers create a clear impact within a small space. 

Piezoelectric material can generate a small voltage when subjected to mechanical force, as in the case of sensors like microphones. The reverse piezoelectric effect, where applying a voltage to the material generates physical motion, is a crucial aspect that has been leveraged for applications such as haptic feedback in devices like touchscreens.

In the world of product development, creating a seamless and immersive user experience is a top priority for manufacturers. To achieve this, the integration of cutting-edge technologies is essential, and one such innovation making waves is piezoelectric haptics. Piezoelectric haptic technology, based on the reverse piezoelectric effect, has revolutionized the way products interact with users, offering tactile feedback and a sense of realism like never before.

In consumer electronics, piezoelectric haptics have made significant strides. From smartphones and tablets to gaming controllers and wearables, piezoelectric haptic actuators add a realistic touch to virtual interactions. By providing subtle vibrations during touch interactions, users experience a heightened sense of responsiveness, making their digital experiences feel more natural and engaging.

For instance, in mobile gaming, piezo haptics can simulate the recoil of a gun or the sensation of acceleration in a racing game, creating a more immersive gameplay experience. Similarly, in smartphones, piezoelectric haptic feedback enhances the feel of typing on a virtual keyboard, giving users the sensation of pressing physical keys.

The advantages of using piezoelectric technology is clear, whether that be within our simplest of piezoelectric technologies, the piezo bender, or within our new cutting-edge applications, including piezo haptics and lead-free piezo benders. For more information about piezoelectric technology, check out our Resource Library for our technical whitepaper on the subject, or schedule time to speak with one of our engineers to start brainstorming applications. 

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